Friday, October 7, 2022

Free Your Mind

I was watching a movie called School Ties just the other day. This movie takes place in 1955. The movie starts out with a working class Jewish young man named Brandon Green leaving for a very prestigious prep school named Saint Matthews. He is very smart, and handsome. In addition, he is very gifted in the area of football therefore has been asked in his last year of high school to attend this boarding school on a scholarship. Although most of the young men there are wondering why he would transfer to St. Matt's in his senior year their curiosities are over shadowed by Brandon's uniqueness as well as his keen senses and athletic abilities.

In no time the guys at the school seem to accept him even though his back round is much different from the privileged kids attending the school. Brandon had many great attributes but despite his wonderful traits his nationality is seen as a flaw by some. He starts out having to defend his race by some other young man that insults him. This is a prime example of how racism can blind.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Team Challenge

By Yanice Douglass

I’d received an orange and blue flyer in the mail. The flyer said “Challenge Yourself to Change a Life.” When I learned of Team Challenge in 2008, I knew it was a golden opportunity to give to train for a half marathon.  To lose a bit of weight while training also intrigued me. Interestingly, one of my life-long goals was to challenge myself and run a half marathon. Whenever I saw folks complete the grueling distance run, it deepened my desire complete the race.  Additionally, I knew that I could finish the race if I put my heart and soul into my training regime.

In the beginning, I knew it was a good fit for me. As I got to know my fellow Team Challenge members and my training progressed, I realized that this experience became a great journey. It grew into something larger than my own desires as I became a soldier in the battle to find a cure for Crohns and Colitis. I had a new purpose and a new drive. It was to complete my race and race for the cure. Every mile I ran, every dollar I raised would bring me closer to finishing the race and bring Team Challenge closer to finding a cure.  Together I knew we would do it.
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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Rock and Roll Half Marathon Las Vegas December 5th 2010

I arose early in the morning to peek out the window and look at the course of which i would soon be a part. My hotel room at Mandalay Bay was set right over the course leaving a breathtaking view. This was finally it. The weeks of hard work and training led me to this day. I was so proud to know that I would soon be accomplishing one of my life long goals.

I went down to the lobby to meet Team Challenge Georgia. As I stepped out of the elevator the entire hotel was covered in orange. It was such an awesome sight to see that Team Challege had taken over Vegas. The day was finally here and we were all pumped up. After snapping a few pictures and chanting some team cheers we all made our way to our assigned corrals. I spotted my corral and immediately got into place. As I waited at the start line my heart beat fluttered rapidly in anticipation of what lied ahead of me. I was getting ready to complete a 13.1 mile journey that started long before I arrived at the starting line. I anxiously bounced around in the starting corral until I heard the starting shot and the runners began to move and fall into their paces. I was surrounded by twenty-four thousand others that on this very day that had something in common. We were all challenging ourselves to be better than we were before.

I pranced forward as the runners spread out on the course. As I settled into a comfortable pace I was able to take in the amazing sights on the Las Vegas strip. There was an amazing source of electricity that flowed through me every moment of this race. Everyone seemed full of spirit as I passed up the mile makers one by one. As I approached mile three my coach Max was there to join me. It was great to run with him. This was quite the way to start out my race. He was there to provide me the extra push and encouragement needed to endure the miles ahead of me. After about a mile we parted ways with a powerful high five.

Before I knew it mile three and mile four were behind me. One by one I passed the markers and then saw my team manager Angel at mile six. It was so wonderful. I just had to say wow to myself. I felt so loved and supported as I passed her and she cheered me on and said I was awesome. After the reunion with my manager I continued on my journey with seven miles to go.

Alln of a sudden I was at mile nine. This is when I had a rude awakening. The finish line now seemed so close yet so far away. All of a sudden my body started to send me mixed messages. The flatness of the course was a dream but the dryness of the air left me challenged as I gasped in disbelief. This was not a feeling I was used to. I knew my endurance was good but I was not used to running in this element. As I approached mile ten I heard the band playing “Don’t Stop Believing” it was just the thing I needed to propel pass mile ten.

With three miles to go finishing was in the front of my mind. The excitement and energy started to be overcome by fatigue, aches and pain. I continued to trot along the course as the cheers from the crowd served as fuel to help me put one foot in from of the other. I knew I was going to make it but with each step my legs began to feel heavier.

Mile eleven was within reach. Out of nowhere I found a friend in a Team Challenge Coach from Florida. This was an unexpected gift. She ran with me for a mile and let me know my coach Mary is ahead waiting to run me to the finish line. So I run and run and finally see mile twelve and Mary. This is what I had been waiting for. Throughout the entire time training Mary had been an angel in my corner and she  once again was that angel. As I met with Mary she said “DON’T STOP”! YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE IT” At that moment the love in my heart overflowed as I slapped Mary the high five and chugged to mile thirteen.

I continued to run forward. Ahead of me I saw the finish line and to my right my husband Derrick shouted he loved me and he was proud of me. I was almost there. My dream was within reach. At that moment as I crossed the finish line an overwhelming feeling of pride, accomplishment, and love shot through me. Tears began build as I raised my arms in victory. I ran 13.1 miles to change, challenge and cure. GO TEAM CHALLENGE!

Why I Run

People often ask me why I run. Simply put to be a part of something bigger. Every moment leading up to my half marathon in Las Vegas in December 2010 was one to remember. I had the opportunity to train with some of the most wonderful people I ever met. I received encouragement and support at the same time offered encouragement and support to those who needed it. The journey to the half marathon helped to make me a better person inside and out. I know because of this experience my life has been changes. I know that I have the strength and determination to make it through the most challenging situations. One mile at a time I was able to make a difference in the lives of others while making a difference in my own life. I now see life through a new pair of eyes. After all of this people still ask “what do you get out of running 13.1 miles”

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Exercise and Cancer by Liz Davies

Exercise and Cancer

Many people already know that physical exercise is important for one's overall health and well-being. For example, it helps prevent unhealthy weight gain; reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels; strengthens the muscles, bones, and ligaments; and helps reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack and related conditions. However, it can have even more important and surprising benefits for cancer patients and survivors.

Individuals who are regularly physically active are at a significantly lower risk of contracting many different types of cancer, including breast, colon, lung, prostate and pericardial mesothelioma. The exact amount of exercise you require depends on the difficulty of your particular type of exercise; for example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend 20 minutes of intense exercise at least three times weekly, or 30 minutes of mild exercise at least five times weekly. Hard running, mountain climbing, and jumping rope would be categorized as intense exercise, while walking, easy bicycling, or yoga would be considered mild exercise.

If you have already been diagnosed with some type of cancer, do not give in to the temptation to drop physical activity from your normal routine. If you have never been physically active, starting can significantly improve your prognosis. The connection between exercise and cancer survival rates has been studied extensively, with very promising results. For example, women diagnosed with breast cancer who are moderately active have been found to survive their condition in significantly more cases than do women with breast cancer who do not work out. Studies of individuals with other types of cancer have yielded similar results.

It can be difficult, of course, to find the motivation to work out while going through treatment for cancer. However, evidence shows that exercise can not only improve a cancer patient's chances for a successful recovery, but can also significantly improve the patient's quality of life during treatment. Regular exercise can provide individuals who have cancer with energy and physical strength that would otherwise be drained during radiation or chemotherapy. This also allows them to successfully undergo more intense forms of treatment, furthering improving their prognosis.

After successfully completing cancer treatment, regular exercise is still important. This is true, naturally, for any individual, including individuals who have survived cancer, simply for good health. But, some evidence indicates that physical activity can also help reduce the possibility of the cancer's return, although further study is needed to confirm this in all cases. Regardless, staying physically active is extremely important -- before, during and after cancer treatment.

Liz Davies is a recent college graduate and aspiring writer especially interested in health and wellness. She wants to make a difference in people’s lives because she sees how cancer has devastated so many people in this world. Liz also likes running, playing lacrosse, reading and playing with her dog, April.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 6 of Our Honeymoon

Derrick and I are now on day six of our 15 day Transatlantic Cruise. Our cruise started in Miami on April 26, 2010 and will travel to the following ports:

1) Ponta Delgada, Portugal

2) Lisbon, Portugal

3) Vigo, Spain

4) La Coruna, Spain

5) Le Havre (Paris), France

6) Zeebrugge (Brussels/Brugge), Belgium

7) Dover (London), Great Britain

When looking for a honeymoon Derrick and I discussed how we wanted to travel to Spain and France. I ended up stumbling on this cruise that happened to be a steal. During this cruise we could actually get the relaxation we needed and desired while traveling to some of our dream destinations together.

Since we have started the cruise we have had an unimaginable amount of fun and romance. This trip has been more than I even hoped for. We have been eating like royalty and talking to many interesting people. We also had a chance to play the Newlywed game. This has been something I always wanted to do on a cruise. In addition, I purchased a special honeymoon package to add to the romance. I really wanted to something special for us since you only honeymoon once. The package included Sparkling Wine and chocolate covered strawberries, a romantic dinner in Le Bistro that included a bottle of wine. (Derrick only had one glass and I had the rest. I didn’t realize it until after dinner…lol) Canapés delivered to our room, a cake and champagne party and a complimentary photograph. They have been very nice to us on the ship. We actually had 2 cakes given to us after letting the staff know we were on our honeymoon. It has been great and I am looking forward to spending my life with Mr. Derrick Douglass.
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Friday, July 30, 2010

Awakening the Inner Athlete

What is an athlete ? Some might consider that you have to play big 10 sports, mountain climb or train for the Olympics to be an athlete but I believe there is much more to it. True athletes are kindred spirits. Something is buried deep inside of them that keeps them striving for excellence. A true athlete develops a skill over time with practice and they are determined to do their best. It takes discipline and hard work. The grace and skill that we see displayed by athletes is a process. It takes self control and focus and it truly is an art form. Just recently I examined my life and discovered that I am an athlete.

I think the thing I love about training is that it is a challenge. Not everyone can commit themselves to doing something even when their mind and body doesn't necessarily feel like it. Sticking to a consistent workout schedule has been difficult for me but after a good workout I always feel better. I have come to learn that not only is Physical Fitness a personal choice but it is a life long journey. Being fit is not something that happens over night and there is no easy way to be and stay fit. It takes dedication, hard work, focus, endurance and patience. We should strive to awaken our inner athlete. No matter how in shape or out of shape you are there is always room for improvement. Physical fitness is just as much mental as it is physical; One has to make up in thier mind what it is they want to achieve and not let outside forces detour them of the goal in mind no matter how difficult.

Not only does physical fitness benefit the body but it benefits your mind and spirit.When I am training my body it sets me free. All of the of the day to day worries seem to fade away and my mind is then elevated to a higher place that's devine. This feeling is why I am dedicated to ultimate self improvement. Along with this comes my involvement in physcial activities. I have an extreme love for physcial activites that has developed over the years. Sometimes it takes me a while to openly share this passion with others. My personal quest for fitness has been going on for years. I remember when I was a little girl and I used to do areobics with my mother. Back then it was "The 20 Minute Workout" I was determinded to get all the steps down. I also recall my ex-tomboy phase when I used to play football in the back field with my brothers. I had quite a set of hands.

I have experienced some set backs and challenges during my fitness but when I look from whence I've come it is a good feeling. I have come a long way. In 2001 I made a vow to myself to learn what self love really means and apply that to my life. With this came my dive into nutrition and a promise to myself to be the best I could be. I made a climb out of depression and  since 2001 lost a total of 70 pounds. I havn't lost my desire to keep move forward.

It is silly to think that I fear telling people about my love for exercise because I am not in my ideal size and shape. (Well not yet but I am getting there) I sometimes fear they will look at me and see I am overweight  might not believe that I have the ability to run 9 miles strait. Or, I am lying about my frequent attendance in spinning, step aerobics, yoga, Zumba and Ballroom Dance classes. I do love all of these activities so much that they are some of my greatest passions in life. I know I am better because of it so I am now determinded to share this with the world. After all why should I be ashamed when I have changed so many things for the better.

All throughout my life I have felt that it has been difficult to fit in with most individuals. (not that I strive to fit in with any and everyone) These were places such as school, work and sometimes even church. This bothered me for sometime until I learned that I shouldn't fit in with everyone. I am a person that wants continue to reach new hieghts and blow away mediocrity. So it is not that I don't fit anywhere in but yet I fit in with those that are like minded. When I think about the places I feel most comfortable what comes to mind is the Gym, dance class, Physical Therapy and the running trail. When I leave these places I feel like a better person. I know I am sharper, quicker and stronger than before. These are the moments of escape where I can let my gaurd down and just be me.  I have had some of my best life expiences while working out. Most peopleeople in these places have the ability to give so much of themselves to help others reach thier personal best. In additon, these are places where bonds can be formed. I just think about the feeling I get when I am out on the trail and my feet get so heavy I feel like stopping before I reach my set distnace. Once I encounter the runner going in the opposite direction, we give each other the nod that helps us propel each other to the next mile marker.

I know that I train hard but I have been told my many I don't give myself enough credit. My Trainer says that I have heart and I train like an athlete.  At first I couldn’t accept the comment or understand why he said that but as time went on and we continued to train I realized that I am an athlete. I love to take on a challenge and everyday I commit myself to be the best. As I train I can feel myself and see myself getting stronger. I work harder to see better results. I am committed to developing my athletic skills over time. Training hard helps me to improve the overall quality of my life. I am in a good place in life. Tomorrow I will be stronger than today. Going forward I will muster up the courage to strive for new heights and reach goals like never before. This is the reason for me running the Rock and Roll  Half Marathon in December 2010. Not only will I accomplish an extraordinary thing but I will sharpen my mind, body and spirit. Not only will I be helping myself but I will be helping heroes struggling with illnesses. I will be helping people by providing the resources for them to move forward everyday despite the many obstacles and challenges. This is why I run. This is why I am. As my heroes motivate me allow me to motivate you. Please partner with me as I reach a new height in life. Please give what you can to help me and so many others reach new heights. Donate to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. Let's commit to our personal best together and help find a cure for these diseases.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Just Do It

My Run 07/17/2010

It was indeed a wonderful day. It was a Saturday so I had a chance to sleep in. I even turned my phone off before bed on Friday evening to ensure no one would wake me up in the morning. Most of the day I relaxed and recovered from the previous week. With time moving before me so swiftly I started to wonder if I would get off the couch and do my miles for the day. Isn’t funny how we are the best at making excuses for something we don’t really want to do. I was rationalizing and convincing myself that lying down on the coach was the best thing for me to do that entire day. I must have had 1 millions reasons why I shouldn’t do my miles that evening. I mean after all if was already 7:00PM on a Saturday. I had already worked out 4 times that week including my 2 runs and it was extremely hot and muggy. It was my relaxing day. Just thinking about the pain, time and humidity that would be associated with a run that evening made me want to retreat under the covers. But it was not long until I heard a still small voice rise up inside of me and say “Getup! You made a commitment to yourself and others to run this race.” Right after this I thought about how many people go through serious bouts with things such as Cancer and Chrons disease but still have it in them to train and finish these races. I began thought if these people can overcome these major obstacles and still run I can get off my butt and hold fast to the commitment I made.

So instead of continuing to think about the run I just did it. (Like the Nike commercial.) I went to the track down the street and ran my 4 miles. It truly tested me. After running those 4 miles I truly felt as though I ran 4 miles in Atlanta in the middle of July (Insane Right??) It was tough but I did it. The satisfaction I felt was wonderful. I know that I have previously run greater distances but every run I complete has a greater sense of satisfaction that the last. I accomplished something great and the pride I felt drowned out the exhaustion and pain. I did it and I know I can do it. I have everything inside of me to make it. To Run is to Live!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saying I Do

Today it is Saturday May 1, 2010. On Monday we arrive in Ponta Delgada, Portugal. This is our 6th day at Sea and I am very excited about our first port. Although I am excited about all of the ports we will visit I am ecstatic about visiting Paris France with my husband. I have visited there once before. I had a great time the first time but the entire time I was there I kept wondering what it would be like to visit that wonderful city with the man of my dreams. Now another one of my dreams is coming true. It is funny how a long time ago I used to think I had to reach a certain amount of goals before I got married. After getting to a certain place in my life I realized that when I met the right person that we could reach our goals and dreams together. That is how it has been since I have met Derrick.

From the very beginning of our courtship I knew that it was something very different about Derrick. I was very happy that he was interested in getting to know who I was on the inside. We made our intentions clear to each other right from the start. As time went on and we got to know each other better I discovered that we had many of the same interests. I didn’t want to let him know all of my interests but yet I wanted him to do some exploration on his part to find out who I really was. As time went on our relationship blossomed. We moved forward and I realized that we started to do many of the things I had always dreamed about. This was our special relationship. It has boundaries that no one could penetrate. This was a very special one. I trusted Derrick. I allowed him to see me in my most vulnerable states and he did the same. Some people ask me how I knew he was the one. Well there is no exact science but I can tell you what I felt. It is like the saying goes “It Doesn’t take all day to recognize Sunshine” and Derrick was indeed my sunshine. I trusted him with my heart. He was no doubt my friend. I made a list many years ago with all of the characteristics I needed in a lifelong mate. Over the years it was revised again and again. After it was complete (before meeting Derrick) I realized that Derrick met every characteristic on the list. I also could see that he had the love of God on the inside. I could clearly see that when we crossed paths we could accommodate where each other was going in life. This is how I knew and as each day passed it became more apparent. My cousin stated at our wedding reception there were 6 words that separated Derrick from all the rest. He said “When it was just any ole guy Yanice would say “what do you think of him” when it was Derrick Yanice said “I want you to meet him” and this is how he knew. These were wonderful words to hear.

So I believe you know when all of it is clear. God will make the signs clear. It is not rocket science but one must be true to themselves in this quest. Saying I do should not be out of selfish reasons. One should have done their part to prepare their minds, bodies and spirits to be married. It should be the ultimate act of selflessness. Marriage is truly a blessing and a splendid thing for those who are ready. So for those of you wanting to take the plunge prepare yourself. Do the work required before saying “I Do”