Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Team Challenge

By Yanice Douglass

I’d received an orange and blue flyer in the mail. The flyer said “Challenge Yourself to Change a Life.” When I learned of Team Challenge in 2008, I knew it was a golden opportunity to give to train for a half marathon.  To lose a bit of weight while training also intrigued me. Interestingly, one of my life-long goals was to challenge myself and run a half marathon. Whenever I saw folks complete the grueling distance run, it deepened my desire complete the race.  Additionally, I knew that I could finish the race if I put my heart and soul into my training regime.

In the beginning, I knew it was a good fit for me. As I got to know my fellow Team Challenge members and my training progressed, I realized that this experience became a great journey. It grew into something larger than my own desires as I became a soldier in the battle to find a cure for Crohns and Colitis. I had a new purpose and a new drive. It was to complete my race and race for the cure. Every mile I ran, every dollar I raised would bring me closer to finishing the race and bring Team Challenge closer to finding a cure.  Together I knew we would do it.
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