Thursday, January 28, 2010

Planting My Feet

Recently I graduated with my MBA. My time as a graduate student was extremely difficult. Although I did enjoy many experiences throughout my matriculation all of the moving around caused me to feel a bit unsettled. I frequently moved around because it was required if I wanted to progress in my career. I did move to obtain internships as well as my first job after the program was completed.
As I moved around there were times as though I felt I didn't truly have a home. I knew I had worked very hard while in school to purchase a home but I moved around so much that I had barley lived in the home I worked for. So how many times did I move? I will describe the moves and dates.

1) I moved from Lansing Michigan to Atlanta Georgia in June 2005 to start the MBA program in hopes to progress in my career.

2) In June 2006 I moved from Atlanta Georgia to Silver Spring Maryland to work a summer internship at Verizon

3) In September 2006 I stayed in Barcelona Spain for 3 months for a study abroad program to help me gain a competitive edge and help me to be a well rounded individual.

4) In December 2006 I returned to the United States after the Study Abroad program

5) In May 2007 I returned to Maryland for a 2nd Internship with Verizon Communications.

6) In August 2007 I moved back to Georgia. This is when I purchased my new home. I moved back from Silver Spring Maryland to Lithia Springs Georgia then after closing on my new home I moved to Marietta Georgia.

7) In August 2008 I moved from Marietta, Georgia to Ocala Florida for my new position with AT&T.

8) In June 2009 I moved from Ocala Florida back to Marietta, Georgia. gets me tired just thinking about all of the times that I have relocated. 8 moves in fewer than 4 years. It was a lot of work and at times was very exhausting but it was all worth it. Now my life feels that much richer since I have had these wonderful experiences. While I was going through some of these times the experiences weren't always pleasant but they did benefit me in the long run. I am happy that I had a vision and I was able to stay on the track to meeting my goals.

Currently I reside in Marietta, Georgia although I have not yet met all of my goals I am truly happy for my many blessings. The first time in a very long time I feel settled. Things are going well. I feel as though I have a home. My heart lies here. I feel as though I am part of a community. As I go from place to place it feels great to know that I am part of something intimate and exclusive. It might be church, the allergist, or the gym. It feels great when people call me by my name and realize that I am more than just a face in the crowd. They have committed me to memory and they actually care about me as a person. Through this experience of being part of a community I have actually been able to share my dreams and goals with people that are a big part of the goals that I have set previously.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish ...." (Proverbs 29:18a).

1 comment:

Tlperkins said...

Wow, great content. If I was to add this to RGB what category would it be under? Keep up the writing and you will build a following.